UPDATE: Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments on Chicago Gun Ban

Yesterday, Tuesday March 2, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in McDonald v. City of Chicago. (see NWI Lawyer article, “U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Second Amendment Oral Arguments Tomorrow: Fate for Chicago Gun Law Uncertain”. Read the 77-page transcript here.

On one side of the issue is Larry Keane, Senior VP & General Counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (“NSSF”). In an OpposingViews.com article, “Analysis of Arguments of McDonald v. Chicago Supreme Court Gun Case”, Attorney Keane is hopeful that the Supreme Court will strike down the law based on Second Amendment grounds, as applied to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment.

On the other hand, Mayor Daley argues in a Loyola-Phoenix article, “Gunning for Chicago” that gun regulation is necessary to protect the citizens of Chicago.

Fox News notes that President Obama is simply hiding from the issue. In a recent article, “Why is Obama Hiding Under His Desk?” Fox News calls attention to the fact that the President, while not addressing the issue, has made superficial remarks supporting the 2008 Heller decision.

PBS has posted a video outlining the issues of the case here, “Supreme Court Weighs Scope of Right to Bear Arms”.