“Practical Tips from the Bench and the Bar” – 3 CLE Hours
Monday, December 21, 2009
Barnes & Thornburg
5th Floor Auditorium
11 S. Meridian St.
Chair & Moderator: John Maley, Barnes & Thornburg
Featured Speakers include:
Hon. Richard L. Young,
District Judge, S.D. of Indiana
Hon. Tim A. Baker,
Magistrate Judge, S.D. of Indiana
Donald Wall,
Counsel to the Circuit Executive, 7th Circuit Court of Appeals
Laura A. Briggs,
Clerk, S.D. of Indiana
Registration 1 p.m.
Program 1:30-4:45 p.m.
Reception Following Program
$89 Federal Bar Association Members
$99 Non-Members
Questions? Call Karen Aruta @(317) 472-5201 or email @ karuta@ibj.com.